Continue Your Practice & Be Alert, Not Alarmed
At Bend + Fly we have 100% commitment to hygiene and we encourage you to continue your yoga practice for your own wellbeing. As a yoga studio and place of health and wellness, we wish to be a positive environment and sanctuary from the hysteria.
During this time it is especially important that you take care of yourself – both mentally and physically. If you are symptom/exposure-free, we encourage you to continue with your yoga practice with us whilst maintaining healthy hygiene. Practicing yoga/meditation and continuing to move your body can help to keep your immune system strong, manage stress and anxiety, and keeps you feeling good overall.
At present, we are operating as close to normal, but have had to scale back some classes to allow hammocks to be washed after each class. We’ve also swapped out hot yoga for power yoga.

What We're doing as a studio
We want to assure you that we are taking all other preventative measures necessary as advised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Queensland and Federal Government to reduce and prevent the risk of illness in our studio.
– Providing hand sanitiser, cleaning wipes, antibacterial soap and paper hand towels (instead of reusable ones) in the studio, reception and bathrooms, and we encourage you to use these before and after class
– Washing hammocks after each class
– Keeping our studio and equipment sanitised and cleaned extra regularly:
– High-touch surfaces such as handrails, door handles, lockers, iPads, props, etc. are being cleaned several times a day using disinfectant cleaning supplies
– We also have professional cleaning crews that deep clean the studio multiple times a week
– Increasing signage regarding recommended hygiene practices
– Practising safe distances between mats (1.5m)
– Keeping side doors open for ventilation

As a Community, we ask you to:
– Stay home if you are feeling unwell or have potentially been exposed to the virus
– Take care of yourself by eating nourishing whole foods, get good quality sleep and practise stress-relieving activities… like yoga & meditation, and breathing in fresh air in nature. Remember, yoga can be done anywhere. Add some deep breathing into your day, every day
– We encourage you to bring your own props to the studio (if you don’t feel comfortable sharing the studio props)
– We have mats, towels, and props for purchase in the studio
– In studio try not to touch or embrace other people
– Leave the removal of hammocks up and down to the teacher or staff
– Use the mat stray for blocks and mats only (not hammocks as its got cleaners that will perish the hammocks)
We would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support. Your attendance supports our staff’s employment which helps the whole community. And don’t forget to lean on our community – the support and connection will be what keeps us positive throughout this period.