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Aerial Foundations Course

Aerial Yoga Course


Our most popular way to fast-track your aerial skills!

This 6 week course will teach you the foundations of  aerial yoga in a fun and engaging environment and safely progress you to more advanced aerial poses and classes. By the end of this course, you will feel empowered and eager to utilise the new aerial skills you’ve mastered.


Session 1- INVERT: Your first session to get comfortable with the hammock and to go upside down for the first time – which is a beautiful experience! This session works towards a peak pose of a folded booty wrap inversion.

Session 2 – BALANCE: Your second session will review some of the fundamentals learnt in the first class. We will also build upon this and start experiencing the the benefits of the aerial hammock such as how it decompresses our spines and allows us to move into positions that may not be possible in floor yoga. This session works towards a peak poses of wrapped shoulder stand and back angel flip.

Session 3 – FLOAT: Now that that you are more familiar with the hammock apparatus, the terminology of aerial yoga and the benefits of decompression of the spine; you can start to relax a little more and enjoy the feeling of floating and inverting in our peak poses of swan dive and dragonfly.

Session 4 – FLY:  Week 4 starts with a revision on some of the skills/movements/concepts learnt in weeks 1-3, then moves into one of aerial yoga’s most fun foundational skills – FLYING! The peak skill for session 4 will be everyone’s favourite ‘instagrammable’ pose: Vampire.

Session 5 – FLIP: This session will introduce you to more dynamic poses in the hammock including some of aerial yoga’s more challenging fitness & strength-based exercises, and a peak pose of the Swoosh, Flip, Tuck – which is super fun!

Session 6 – FLEX: Our last session in this course will combine everything you have learnt so far as we flow through a short group aerial sequence – including our peak poses/skills of chandelier and teardrop. It will include a mix of inversions, poses, transitions and dynamic tricks.

All levels/ages/fitness!
This course is perfect for complete novices to aerial yoga, to those who have already explored Aerial Yoga, but are wanting a more in depth overview. All ages and bodies are welcome!

What if I can’t make a week?
If you miss a week that’s ok (apart from the first week), you can use the missed week for any other class on the timetable.


ENROL NOW – $210


Course included at no extra cost with these memberships:

  • Upfront Membership: 6 Months or 12 Months
  • Unlimited 6 Month Contract (weekly debit)



June 23rd – July 28th: Sundays at 12:45pm (60mins)